121 Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers

Manual Testing
Q1). What is the difference between Functional Requirement and Non-Functional Requirement?
Ans: The Functional Requirement specifies how the system or application SHOULD DO where in
Non Functional Requirement it specifies how the system or application SHOULD BE.
Some functional Requirements are
  • Authentication
  • Business rules
  • Historical Data
  • Legal and Regulatory Requirements
  • External Interfaces
Some Non-Functional Requirements are
  • Performance
  • Reliability
  • Security
  • Recovery
  • Data Integrity
  • Usability
Q2). How Severity and Priority are related to each other?
  • Severity- tells the seriousness/depth of the bug where as
  • Priority- tells which bug should rectify first.
  • Severity- Application point of view
  • Priority- User point of view
Q3). Explain the different types of Severity?
  1. User Interface Defect-Low
  2. Boundary Related Defects-Medium
  3. Error Handling Defects-Medium
  4. Calculation Defects-High
  5. Interpreting Data Defects-High
  6. Hardware Failures& Problems-High
  7. Compatibility and Inter system defects-High
  8. Control Flow defects-High
  9. Load conditions (Memory leakages under load testing)-High
Q4a). What is the difference between Priority and Severity?Ans: The terms Priority and Severity are used in Bug Tracking to share the importance of a bug among the team and to fix it.
Severity: Is found in the Application point of view
Priority– Is found in the User point of view
Severity– (tells the seriousness/depth of the bug)
  1. The Severity status is used to explain how badly the deviation is affecting the build.
  2. The severity type is defined by the tester based on the written test cases and functionality.
If an application or a web page crashes when a remote link is clicked, in this case clicking the remote link by an user is rare but the impact of application crashing is severe, so the severity is high and priority is low.
PRIORITY- (tells which bug should rectify first)
  1. The Priority status is set by the tester to the developer mentioning the time frame to fix a defect. If High priority is mentioned then the developer has to fix it at the earliest.
  2. The priority status is set based on the customer requirements.
If the company name is misspelled in the home page of a website, then the priority is high and the severity is low to fix it.
Severity: Describes the bug in terms of functionality.
Priority: Describes the bug in terms of customer.
Few examples:
High Severity and Low Priority -> Application doesn’t allow customer expected configuration.
High Severity and High Priority -> Application doesn’t allow multiple user’s.
Low Severity and High Priority -> No error message to prevent wrong operation.
Low Severity and low Priority -> Error message is having complex meaning.
Few examples:
High Severity -Low priority
Supposing, you try the wildest or the weirdest of operations in a software (say, to be released the next day) which a normal user would not do and supposing this renders a run -time error in the application,the severity would be high. The priority would be low as the operations or the steps which rendered this error by most chances will not be done by a user.
Low Severity -High priority
An example would be- you find a spelling mistake in the name of the website which you are testing.Say, the name is supposed to be Google and its spelled there as ‘Gaogle’. Though, it doesn’t affect the basic functionality of the software, it needs to be corrected before the release. Hence, the priority is high.
High severity- High Priority
A bug which is a show stopper. i.e., a bug due to which we are unable to proceed our testing.An example would be a run time error during the normal operation of the software,which would cause the application to quit abruptly.
Low severity – low priority
Cosmetic bugs
Q4b). What is Defect Severity?
Ans: A defect is a product anomaly or flaw, which is variance from desired product specification. The classification of defect based on its impact on operation of product is called Defect Severity.
Q5). What is Bucket Testing?
Ans: Bucket testing (also known as A/B Testing) is mostly used to study the impact of various product designs in website metrics, two simultaneous versions were run in a single or set of web pages to measure the difference in click rates, interface and traffic.


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